Monday, December 6, 2010

Did I Sepll Tihs Creclorty?

I recently had to conduct very detailed and elaborate research into finding the meaning of a word. I was honestly puzzled as to what in the hell the word could possibly mean. Editor. It turns out an editor is, well... here just read this

Now that we are all on the same page and can not only spell the word correctly but properly use it in a sentence, I feel comfortable in saying something. The next person to make a comment about either, A. my spelling, or B. my grammar can go fuck themselves. I am well, and I mean well aware of my issues with grammar and spelling. However I do not feel like this hinders the enjoyability of my booze fueled comical rants. Believe it or not ignoramuses, even professional, money making writers have editors. Hard to believe that someone with the writing prowess of Dan Brown employs someone to proof-read over his treasure hunting shenanigans and make corrections.

So on that note let's consider this post an ad for a job. The job is to be my editor, because I could probably fucking use it. You will not however be getting paid for the job, unless you consider friendship a payment. (I would)

Until I get that editor however, I will continue to spew my creative and original, super opinionated bullshit all over the fucking internet. I will do this until it becomes illegal, because to be honest I think its pretty fucking funny and imaginative. If you don't like dick jokes and sexism, then well I guess you should go fuck off too.

Take a shot of vodka and go watch Highlander.

P.S.- If you could read the title then you are not retarded, and have given me further evidence as to why grammar and spelling aren't as important as the content. Thanks baby.

Boston Jon

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